For those who would like to know how a typical young up and comming poet does.

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

have you ever felt the ultimate betrayal by those you held so dearly to you. well there are some thing that will always happen and sometimes one needs to accept the fact that no one cares about your NEEDS but you and sometimes it may be hard to accept but hey we are human and have had the gift of dealing with remarkable amounts of pain physically , mentally and emotionally.

Today was one of those days where you hear the inner voice inside of you saying "who are you kidding, you can't hid behind this mask for long. you smile but inside you hurt." well there are some things that one needs to deal with alone no matter how COMMITTED you maybe to some one who means everything and more but for some reason keeps you hidden.

Well lets just say life is not fair yet we have to live regardless of the pain that comes with it.


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